Day 566: An almost perfect spring day

Day 566:

Being topside this much, it’s hard not to get caught up in how beautiful it is here. The weather’s a perfect spring temperature, the fields are always filled with beloved creatures and the occasional exploding murderous mutant, the sun is out more days than not, the wind blows gently…

There are no frogs.

I would one hundred percent that it was spring every single day here, if it weren’t for the frogs. When it’s spring, the frogs sing incessantly. Other than my domesticated animals making animal noises all day like a toddler’s room gone amok, (and the occasional groan/yell/threat/hiss of a murderous mutant) there are no animal noises here. No crickets, no frogs, no songbirds…

It’s an almost perfect spring day. But not quite.