Day 604: more rails

Day 604:

I’ve dug far enough that I spent today extending my rail network so I don’t have to walk as far to get home.

It’s so far from where I usually am that I’m considering adding another mattress out there so that maybe I don’t have to come home every night.

I mean, ok, let’s be honest, I don’t come all the way home to where the duckens and the sheep and the cows and pigs live, every day. I already have a spare bed out about a two hour walk from there because. And another bed that’s close to Bed 2, but about eight floors down, because some days that is also a two hour walk, and it really is uphill. (The inside of the hill.)

So a third bed a two hour walk from Bed 2 would probably be good.

As it is I only go back to “home”, “the farm”, whatever I feel like calling it any given day, every few days to make sure all the animals are still alive and the crops are still growing.

So far so good.

Or when I need fancy tools I’ll head back. Or I want to store something important. The things you use a home for.

I don’t know what to call these other caverns. Camps? If so, this one’s going to be Camp UnderMountain, because I’m pretty sure that’s where I am. And that means I have a whole lot of digging straight up to do.

It’s time to build a stairwell.