Day 708: Bamboo

Day 708: I planted a lot of bamboo today.

I planted bamboo in part because I’ve been growing it outside my house, but monsters like to hide in it there, and it’s a bit disconcerting to have someone jumping out to kill you when you just got up in the morning.

On the other hand, I’m fond of having paper, especially when it comes to things like keeping this journal and making my maps. This could be because layering some mashed up plant pulp on top of each other and drying it is a heck of a lot easier than spending three days scraping a sheep skin to make vellum. I mean, I don’t think I’m lazy necessarily, but I certainly have other things I could be doing.

Anyway, planted a whole load of bamboo shoots down near the volcano. I don’t have to worry about being jumped down there and it’s a swamp, so there’s plenty of water. It’s nice to have a place to grow something I need that won’t also necessarily lead to unexpected death.

Now if I could just get a hold of the sonic washing machine that was on the ship to get this thick mud off my pants…