Day 832: THE HELL

Day 832:

My day was as normal as one gets when one is stranded on a rock in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of terraformed plants and animals, no microbiome, and live zombies and skeletons. That is, until I was on my way home this evening.

I was out too late, I admit, and the stars were visible which usually means the monsters are roaming and planning to eat me.

On my way down a hill I looked up at a tree on a facing hill and saw the BIGGEST BEE I’VE EVER SEEN.

Seriously, it was the size of a basketball. Or a basket. It was a basket-bee for sure. How it flies is well beyond anything I can guess.

I ran like heck to get back to the eastern entrance after that because I didn’t want to stick around to find out whether

  1. it had friends
  2. it was friendly

Nope, it could just go on about its bees-ness. I didn’t need to know.

A bee roughly the size of a basketball buzzes next to a tree.

Day 831: Hole of sheep

Day 831:

Still working my way up the mountain, and I found a crevasse between two peaks. Either that or there was a meteor crash here at some point. It’s a deep cut into the surface of the land in the mountain range.

Also, it seems to attract sheep and duckens. There are a lot of animals in the hole, and the sides are too steep for all but the savviest animals to climb up.  I think they may be trapped down there. Tomorrow I’m going to use some of the extra fill I’ve collected to lift the level of the bottom of the hole and see if I can get them out.

View from the top facing down into an almost circular crevasse where sheep and duckens dot the sides of the steep cliffs. The bottom is out of view.

Day 830: Still going up

Day 830:

It really is a bit mind-boggling how high these mountains get. I’ve been mining them forever and I still haven’t even gotten to the summit of the highest one.

I am making progress, though. There are a lot more gentle slopes than before.

I prefer gentle slopes. If you’re being chased by murderers, steep slopes are not the way to go.

Camera angle facing up from a cliff face toward a mountain's steep summit. It's mostly stone, maybe an occasional tree, from the camera to the summit.

Day 829: crazy trader

Day 829:

I was down on the southern end still mining away at those tall mountains today when the trader with the invisibility potion and the two llamas came to visit. He came from the north, and by that I mean he reached a cliff’s edge and decided to climb down with two llamas on ropes.

It was… awkward. The llamas were able to make the jumps better than the trader and there was a lot of falling and what I presume was cursing.

And I felt kind of bad because he was clearly coming to trade with me but I didn’t have anything to trade.

I’m not going to start carrying emeralds or for that matter any other gems just in case I meet a trader because, well, there are too many murderers around here and I wouldn’t want to give them the satisfaction. Let them kill me and find out all they got was cobblestone. The jerks.A cliff face with a llama about eight meters up the cliff, its owner just below the llama, and another llama almost two full llama heights lower than the man, who is now stuck because the llamas won't move.