Day 777: tackling a mountain

Day 777:

Here’s the mountain that stands in my way of, well, everything.

Picture of a very tall but mostly stone mountain in the distance, with a tree and some rolling hills in the foreground.

Why am I so anti-mountain, you may ask?

Normally I wouldn’t be. I mean I’ve been both inside and outside of mountains, so they’re not really a threat to me. But on the other hand, this particular mountain stands between me and the village that lies — waves hand–  somewhere over there.

Plus, there’s only so tight a slope I can climb when being chased by monsters, and that particular mountain is much higher a grade than I can handle.

So don’t think of it as me removing a mountain. Think of it as me re-scaling a mountain to a safer height.

I’m going to need a lot of chests for this, for one thing.