Day 781: more murderers

Day 781:

So there I was, minding my own business by chopping down a mountain, when suddenly a whole bunch of those murderers with the crossbows showed up again.

A view from the top of a sheer cliff of five people dressed in battle leather and carrying crossbows, all aiming the crossbows in my general (out of range) direction.

I’m not going to pretend they don’t have a right to be mad at me chopping this mountain down. I’d like to think that they’d be grateful, but, well, I was taught way too much Earth history to believe that even a one-person colonialist force could come to a place and wreck other people’s land and be welcome.

They legitimately have no reason to welcome me here.

But on the other hand I have no intention of dying by crossbow bolt either.

I slipped down the other side of the mountain (sometimes literally) to escape them, and now I think i’ll be spending a few days underground mining in this general direction. I still need more diamonds anyway.