Day 693: Not enough cover

Day 693:

Spent the night and part of the morning digging to the west so that I can stay underground as long as possible —- this nonsense of getting shot at by skeletons every day because I’m just too far away from safety is getting old.

Of course, that doesn’t account for the fact that there are skeletons underground where I’m mining, too, but once I get enough light up that won’t be a problem.

Spent the afternoon mining the side out of a mountain that does not appear to be an active volcano. It might surprise me, the last one did, but I think I’m safe this time. I’m contemplating leaving it a tunnel through the mountain but I haven’t decided yet.

Now I’m doing a run back to home base to pick up more wood and rock. I’ll eventually have those kinds of supplies on the western end, but for now, using what I have is easier than trying to make do. After all, that’s why I saved stuff.

I’m willing to bet this turns me into a hoarder when I am saved.

Day 692: framed out

Day 692:

It’s a bit odd when I get around the edges of this square of the map with my new road and then realize that I’m back to a place I’ve already tamed. I mean, I’ve been wading through swampy water, dodging lava, and trying to juke around zombies for a while now, while also building a road, so the fact that I accomplished the goal is a bit amazing to me.

But here it is, this road joins with that road and between the two of them I have two squares of my map accessible by road (the edges anyway) all the way around. Which makes travel easier.

And this time I did it without setting any road on fire!

Day 691: Oh this is not what I thought it was.

Day 691:

From the outside, at swamp level, a sheer cliff.

An hour or so later I discover I’m in a chamber.  A very tall chamber, on which I am standing on a ledge. There’s no roof to the chamber. The floor is bubbling lava.

I mined my way into the caldera of an active volcano.

An active volcano filled with ore, rock, AND ZOMBIES.

And then I mined my way right the duck out of there and went home and thought about my life choices.

Tomorrow, I think it’s back to building the road. Up and over the edge of the volcano and then south to places that I hope are less lava-filled.

Day 690: Oretastic

Day 690

As predicted, the cliff is full of ore, which is fantastic! I’m going to be so rich if I ever get off this rock. And if I don’t get off this rock I’m going to be so secure, because granite takes a blast from an exploding giraffe-corgi like nobody’s business.

So it’s a win-win except for the part where I’ve been abandoned by the human race to a rock full of monsters and murderers, had to reinvent all my own technology (and have reached about the bronze age, and not well. I still fail at pancakes.), and have been shot at more times than I can count.

Yeah. Win-win.

At least there are no taxes?

And lots of ore.

Day 689: reached the cliff

Day 689:

Looks like I’d better start carrying a pickaxe again, because this cliff is a sheer side of rock with a little topsoil on it to satisfy the sheep.

(Also, there are sheep. And pigs. But I have sheep back at the ranch now so they’re not quite as exciting as they used to be.)

One of my worries out here is that I’m a good distance from my nearest cave entrance. I’m losing a lot of time just getting here every morning. I should probably expand the cave structure, because it’ll keep me from being shot… but so will getting this detritus out of here so I can get some clean lines of sight.

They’re hard decisions, is what I’m saying.

But where there’s  a sheer rock cliff I’m betting there’s ore, so that will cheer me up.