Day 46: Nobody wants to reinvent the wheel

Day 46:

It’s getting harder to hide the evidence that I’m here.

OK, the fenced in chunk of field with the horses that are wearing saddles definitely indicate that someone is here. That alone is enough to get me fired from The Company if they’re not feeling charitable toward my situation. (On the other hand, I might have grounds to sue in this particular case…)

But I’ve now got a second entrance to disguise, and that’s where things get harder. For at least the next few weeks (well, maybe as short as “days” in this whacko place) there’s going to be a lot of loose dirt and suspicious sod near this cave entrance, because in order to reinforce it against exploding creatures, I’ve had to dig out a lot of the sod that disguised the cave in the first place.

I stripped off all the top soil, reinforced the cave walls with granite, and then had to re-bury everything because a big sinkhole lined with chiseled granite in the middle of a field tends to look, well, out of place. Human-made. Not the result of exploding giraffe things.

Also, by the way, I’d give my eye teeth for a wheelbarrow. I could probably chisel one out of the big trees around here, but then I’d have to reinvent the wheel and I’m not sure I’m up for that kind of delicate stonework.

There’s so many other just whacko things here I’m surprised I haven’t come across a wheel-bush or something. Maybe it’s up on the mountain.

Bad black and white sketch of the author's idea of what a wheel bush and an axel bush would look like. Essentially small saplings with wheels or axels at the ends instead of leaves. Labeled "things I wish for: wheel bush, axel tree".
Maybe a cappuccino plant, too.