Day 491: whee?

Day 491:

I did some testing with the rails i’ve made and they’re definitely not conductive enough to use a spark from some of that red stone to move a wheel on one of my carts.

Oh, by the way, made some carts. Or rather, parts for carts. Mostly wood dipped in iron to make it stronger, heavy as your mom on a double-grav planet, but probably will withstand an explosion from an exploding giraffe-corgi. And some early wheel prototypes that were all crap and went back into the furnace.

The carts are going to be strong and durable and totally useless if I can’t move them. Because if I don’t power these things? No way even I can move them. And I’m  out of horses.

So I’m thinking instead of going with more explosive rock (seems like bad plan) I’ll try more conductive metal first. Which means I might finally have a use for all this gold.