Day 783: digging deep

Day 783:

I’m still digging down to try to gather more diamonds.

After a certain point there’s not much to talk about when it comes to “I am still digging down every day and hauling what I find back up to the higher levels.”

Still, there is some beauty in it. I still get sunlight through the skylights I’ve installed. I originally made them so that I could see where I was. I dug up to the surface to get my bearings, then set some glass in so I could get capture the light.

Now I’m down deep enough that it’s hard to see through the skylights because the window frames are blocking my view, but it still means I get real sunlight.

Of course, the fact that I do most of my mining at night doesn’t help that…

A view straight up to the skylight in the floor above me, and the floor above that, etc. for like 10 floors.