Day 651: still digging

Day 651:

Every time I think I’ve exhausted this particular mine, I find another vein of ore just below what I’m working on. It’s a lot of digging.

Also, for some reason, I seem to have a lot more granite in this particular mine. I don’t know why granite would form in one location versus another (that was the geologist’s job) but I wish I did. It would be easier to target the kind of things I wanted to find. So far all I know for sure is that diamonds are always a jerk to get to, and usually lava is involved.

In the meantime, perhaps I’ll be done this vein sometime soon and can go back to mapping and landscaping the area? So I don’t get shot at anymore?

Probably not.

Day 650: moving forward

Day 650:

I’m still extracting ore from out from under a chunk of hill I thought would be, well, hill. It’s going pretty deep, though not all the way to the bedrock the way some of the ore has.

I’m also still working through the night if I don’t pay attention to the time. It’s hard to pay attention when you’re underground and the watch I build is, well, not fantastic. I should probably try to figure it out and make a better watch, but sometimes I get home and I’m just too tired to do anything other than write in this journal.

I still believe, despite everything else, that there’s still hope that either I will e rescued or that my remains will be found close enough to my journals that someone out there will find me and know my story. It’s a rare privilege to have someone not only find such journals  but also pay attention to them, so I know it’s more of a hope than an actual fact. But it’s my hope.

And meantime, I dig more ore.

Day 649: another night

Day 649:

Despite how tired I was, I dug through the night once again. I’ve hauled up enough ore at this point to buy my own moon somewhere nice, if putting this much ore into the system wouldn’t flood the market.

There are a few zombies in this cave but nothing I can’t deal with. The bigger problem is that a lot of the holes lead to deeper holes, and then I forget where I am and how to get out. If I mapped this cavern I’d have all kinds of mess. I should connect it to one of my others and build floors but I’m so tired.

I spent the day putting together shovels and pickaxes so I could go back to work. But this time I’m really going to go to bed and get some sleep. It’s barely even sundown and I’m having trouble staying awake to finish this post.

I hope you’re sleeping well, whoever and wherever you are.

Day 648: what’s daylight?

Day 648:

I found a seam so rich I dug through the night last night and into tonight without returning home and going to bed. I’m actually tired now. Unlike when I first arrived and my body hadn’t adjusted to the short days yet, now I really feel it if the world goes dark and I don’t go dark with it.

I’ll probably be at it again tomorrow, but first I should probably take a nap.

Day 647: Cliffs and valleys

Day 647:

I’m still cleaning up these hills so I don’t get murdered quite as easily, but it’s been hard work for a number of reasons. One of the biggest is that the terrain isn’t consistent. You can be cleaning up a space and think that it’s all going to be the same hill, then find a chasm to what feels like the center of the asteroid. (Assuming it is an asteroid, which is what I’m assuming. If it’s a planet, well, it’s an awfully small one from what I can tell.

That leads to complicated questions, like do I fill in the deep places with fill and smooth everything out? Or do I start from the bottom and smooth things out on the way up the hill instead?

And how are these flocking sheep able to climb these hills with no problem whereas I’m just exhausted?