sure, yeah, we can count too….

If you noticed three One Among The Dead posts going up tonight it’s because one never ran during a server outage on 2 July, one was for tonight, and one is for a week from now but the editors *cough*me*cough* screwed up numbering the days of the week in sequence when writing that post.

All is resolved, carry on…

Unless you’re in Ridgecrest, California where they just had a magnitude 7.1 earthquake and the surrounding environs, in which case please stay safe because we love you and the earth doesn’t take orders.

Day 596: pumpkins!

Day 596: My pumpkins came up! Lots of them this time!

I also culled some of the duckens in the yard because, believe it or not, I was having trouble locating my sheep. That’s usually a good indication of too many duckens.

So I have enough feathers and skins now to make another mattress if I want to… and considering how far away my furthest passage is, that might be a good idea. Going to spend tomorrow tanning chicken hides with chicken brains.

Day 595: not according to plan

Day 595:

I got all the rail and the powered rail installed so I could get back to my home easily…. and I turned my back for one moment and a random ducken jumped into my minecart and rolled away with it.

So I had to walk home anyway.

I have no idea if this is a monday but boy does it sound like it.

Day 594: underground rails

Day 594:

As threatened yesterday, I’ve started running rail out to the spot where I’m tunneling so i don’t have to do as much walking.

The problem with this (other than the part where trying to attach rails to stone floor is backbreaking labor) is that I have to walk to lay the rail.

But I have all the rails in the minecart, so I’m dragging it behind me on the newly-installed rails and at least the return trip at the end of the day was shorter.

Tomorrow, more rail.

Day 593: Walking

Day 593:

It took me almost half the day to walk to the location where I’m digging an underground tunnel to get to the big mountain. This place is huge and imposing and I’m thinking maybe it’s time to lay some rail down here too.

Because whew, it’s not like I can go out and buy a pair of running shoes to deal with this.

The boots that I’ve fished out of the lake, when they fit, have been kind enough to my feet, I suppose. Blisters and wear marks and all that are to be expected when you’re wearing someone else’s shoes, especially someone else’s shoes from the bottom of a lake.

But what I’d give for some no-grav lifts!