Day 5:
I miss my clock. Never thought I’d say that, since I’m one of those people who’s always late for everything. But it’s hard to work without a clock when you’re underground for hours at a time, because underground doesn’t change. It’s always damp, gloomy, and covered in rocks.
I mined enough andesite to line my entire cave with the tough and polished mineral. My home, for lack of a better word, is now grey and shiny.
And still cold and damp. I think I’m going to try to make a bed out of something. Grass, a horse hide, something.
The excitement of the day today came when I was digging out the last of the cave’s interior to put up the andesite ceiling. I broke through to the sky. The sun shone down on me, and a hideous green explody thing stared into my cave then blew up.
The good news: the monster (I’m sorry, I know we’re not supposed to judge xenobiological life forms, but it charges at me and explodes, it’s a monster) didn’t leave much of a crater and the andesite held up. Also: apparently I bounce off the back wall without significant injury.
The bad news: the explosion did take out the dirt walls of my spring, so my cave temporarily flooded. Also, the monster’s twin sister was waiting out the front door when I went outside to find some dirt to fix the flooding.
I’m exhausted, hungry, bruised, and concussed.
I worry that perhaps all of this is a concussion dream, or that I’m somewhere in a coma.
Tomorrow I’ll look for some kind of soft bed. That has to make things a little better. I hope.