Day 113:
Once upon a time a woman on the planet of Serendipity followed a vein of ore until it came out in a big cavernous area right near the surface. She mined all the ore, and then realized as the night fell that there were not one, but two different gaping holes in the ceiling of her cavern where the monsters could come through.
There was no way to reach safety immediately. If there were any horrible creatures lurking above, they would have immediate access to her, and likely tear her to pieces.
She braced herself for the spiders, but the spider did not come.
She braced herself for the zombies, but the zombies did not come.
She hoped beyond hope that the horror squids that walk through walls would not come, and lo, they did not. And she was grateful.
But the exploding giraffe corgis, they came.
Not one, not two, but three giraffe corgis, in succession, as if there were some giraffe corgi queue in the ceiling and a giraffe corgi traffic cop was ensuring that they each gave enough time for the exploder in front of them to clear the way before they exploded.
Three times our hero fended off the horrible beasts.
Three times the flockers blew up anyway.
But three times our hero stayed out of the blast radius and had only broken glass and destroyed fragments of torches and a few shattered blocks of stone to clear.
The moral of the story is “build a watch so you can clear out before night time” but I have nothing to build with. If I had more gold I might manage – it’s soft enough for me to shape and carve.
It’s one more project for the list, and one more in a succession of interesting bruises I should probably start sketching for posterity.