Day 170:
It’s miserable and rainy but I woke up this morning out of sand for making glass. “Big deal”, you may think, but glass is the best way for me to funnel light into the caverns, and light is the best way to keep monsters away, so I’m a big fan of glass.
Years ago my grandfather took me on a tour of a maritime museum. The ancient sea ships used glass insets called “ship’s prisms” to diffuse the sunlight that was hitting the deck so that it would light larger areas of the decks below. I’ve started making a few for some of the caverns where I can set a prism into the rock surface above me and capture light.
It’s no plasma torch, but it’s better than my usual torches.
The other nice thing about making glass on a cold rainy day is that when you’ve spent the whole day on your knees in a river bed shoveling sand into bags, a roaring hot furnace is kind of a nice thing to have.