Day 172:
I’m still digging toward the big mountain. This morning I decided to take a little time to scout the ground level before going back underground. I came up over a hill and there was a sheep! I must not have startled it much because it looked at me, baaa’d once, then walked over to me.
I did startle the exploding giraffe-corgi behind the tree next to us. It blew sheep, sheep guts, and sheep fleece all over me.
Well, these clothes are shot.
The sheep had enough skin that I might be able to tan it for some new pants though, so once I dragged the sheep underground into my cavern I started skinning it. It’s a big job to skin a sheep when one doesn’t have proper tools, and I don’t consider my home-made sword to be the proper tools. I have a few knives, but I think I might need to design a proper knife for the job. My cows aren’t going to live forever either and when they die (hopefully of old age and not exploding giraffe-corgis) it’d be nice to be able to do something with their bodies other than making burgers.
Mmm. Burgers. I haven’t made anything out of red meat in so long. This sheep is likely to be burgers too.