Day 300: It’s day 300.

Day 300:

So here are a few things I know:

  • If they knew I was missing and they had any intention of coming for me, they’d be here by now.
  • If they knew I was missing and tried to cover it up, they’d almost definitely fail. Missing persons reports are taking very very seriously by the Alliance of Miners, and they send out their own crews to investigate anything that even smells remotely like a missing person. There was too much of that nonsense when Sol mining first opened up and the protocols are too strict. You might get away with mining a rock you weren’t supposed to be on, but if you left a miner on that rock, your ship, your career, and even your family in some sectors are all forfeit.
  • So either they don’t know I’m missing (unlikely, as it’s been 300 days) or the ship was destroyed.

The ship was destroyed.

I don’t know if it was here on the surface or up in the sky. I don’t know if I got here through a whim of fortune or the protection of a crewmate or the direct orders of an officer.

I do know I’m here, and it’s been 300 days, and they’re not here, so they must be dead.

This has hit me kind of hard… there were a lot of people on that ship that I – well, loved is the wrong word, but that I respected.

Until now I’ve been approaching the problem as one where people might be missing me as much as I’m missing them, but now I’m realizing that I might be the only one who remembers them at all.

That takes some thinking about.

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