Day 437:
It took a good part of a day to return back to my home base topside. First, I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to take back — some of that weird blue rock, some of the weird red rock, some emerald, some gold — so I had to pack that up in a way I could carry.
I also had to make sure that I was leaving the space secure. That was standard practice before I landed on Rock O Death, but here in the land of shabby monsters it’s particularly important to ensure that you’ve closed doors and prevented the floors from blowing up.
Then there was the hike up 10 floors and across a significant distance (through a room with a couple hundred duckens too, thank goodness there’s no poop here) to the main base.
As hoped and predicted, I have wood here, so I won’t be chopping trees down tomorrow. Instead I might take a day off, then go back to the mines. Or I might go right back to the mines. Sometimes it’s hard to decide the night before.
Sun’s going down, so I’ll sleep to the sound of cows and duckens and make my decision in the morning.19