Day 468:
Did you ever hear the old joke about the road painter? He was hired to paint lines onto the terrestrial roads on old Earth. The first day he did five miles… the second day he did two miles… the third day he did less than a mile. His boss said to him, “what’s up, you did so well the first day?” and he said “well you know I’m getting further and further away from that paint can…”
That’s most of what you need to know about my current mining operation except that I’m heading out to the furthest point every day and digging in. So in theory I should be bringing more and more ore in every day.
In practice, I’m carrying so many tools out into the field with me just so I don’t have to come back for them that I spend a lot of time with only enough left in my pack for a little ore… which means I have to run back and forth more often until my tools wear out and need to be thrown away.
I think that’s another argument for possibly switching to diamond tools.
Or for building another base, but that seems like work.