Day 492:
Gold is easier to turn into rails than iron, that’s for sure. And it’s kind of pretty, in a “wow look at this ostentatious mess” kind of way.
I made these rails with some divots in them to put some of the red rock dust in, hoping that it could work as a mild conducive explosion type thing on the wheels. It’d be easier if there was something — anything — that could measure magnetic fields, but I don’t even have a magnet to make a magnet out of so that I can make an electromagnet to make a motor out of. Or something.
Then I accidentally fell with a pocket full of the red stuff and all but shocked my own heart out,
So I’m treating the red rock with more respect, and introducing it to the gold rails in smaller quantities. Don’t want to shock my own socks off.
Oh! Speaking of which, I saw a sheep in my yard the other day! I mean other than the one I captured! But I couldn’t get this one to come into my pen. I might need to bribe them with something better than weeds when they’re standing in a field of weeds.