Day 581: wool

Day 581:

With a big enough trough of food and a tight enough rope, it’s possible to get a sheep to stand still long enough to cut most of their wool off. And they seem happier for it when it’s done (though they definitely don’t like the process).

Now I have a huge smelly pile of dirty wool and I still haven’t invented soap. (Oh what I would do for a good old fashioned bar of soap! Praise to my ancestors for being smart enough to invent it because I definitely am not!)

So instead I’ve heated up a bucket of water to boiling and I’m boiling the wool to clean it. In the morning once it’s dried, I’ll try spinning it.



hey did you know wool melts in hot water? today I learned….

guess I’m waiting for the wool to grow back on the sheep again so i can shear them again before i start spinning…