Day 720: missing my mech arms

Day 720:

When I mined for a living instead of just for survival, I wore mech arms. They were work, don’t get me wrong, but their gravity assist and inertia dampeners meant I almost never got any kind of muscle strain.

I do more damage to my arms now just pulling weeds from the pumpkin patch than I did working a full week in a mine.

I can remember getting in trouble with the captain when they found out we were using the mech arms off the clock so that we could play marathon FPS Classic tournaments on our days off without getting wrist strain.

I bet I’ve totally lost all my gaming skills.

On the other hand, this is a mean pumpkin pie I’ve baked for lunch, so not everything is bad.

I wish I could figure out a way to make ice so I could treat this pulled triceps though.