Day 745: clearing rubble is so boring.
I’ve already cleared all of the ore out of this area, which is why it’s so big in the first place. And now I have to clear all the boring rock out of the way so that it’s a proper chamber with proper walls and supports and such. Mine collapses are bad news even when you have an entire crew, they’re totally out of the question when you’re alone.
Ok and let’s be honest here: any mining should be done with a partner. The smartest thing I could’ve done when I landed (crashed, appareted, whatever) here would have been to give up mining and become a full-time rancher.
On the other hand, most miners don’t have exploding giraffe-corgis to deal with and so far those monsters have blown through every wooden or mud-built building I’ve created. The andesite, diorite, and granite that I’ve dug up have been the only things they’ve withstood. So one could make the argument that solo mining is self-defense.
But it’s really dangerous self-defense. Like taking up solo swimming after meals for fun.