Day 540: whoops

Day 540:

Chased a seam of oar near the lake so far into the ground that I found that sea cave I mentioned a few days ago…. by digging into its ceiling. Had it still be filled with the sea the fall would’ve been cushioned a lot more.

Plus the skeletons would have had more difficulty firing their arrows.

Limped my way back to bed after re-sealing the cave. Wishing for tea.

Day 539: slapped

Day 539:

Made good progress on my entry into the Better Planetesimals and Gardens Lakeside Property contest today. Stopped a little early because I didn’t want to get caught out in the dark. Did some fishing.

At one point I reeled in a fish that was fighting me so hard my final yank out of the water pulled it straight up and into my face, where it promptly slapped me with its tail.

I’m hoping that’s not the judge of the Better Planetesimals and Gardens contest. Although if it is I want to know how the fark to get off this rock!

Day 538: Fiery and wet

Day 538:

So this morning I came out the door to discover three zombies and a skeleton were waiting for me under the cover of the nearby trees.

I’m not saying that a closed circuit camera system would have saved me, but it would’ve been nice.

Anyway, they jumped me, but I escaped into the sunlight, where they caught fire and jumped me again, so I jumped in the river, and they jumped in, and I climbed out and chopped them to pieces from the shore.

It was messy.

And we don’t have a whole lot of scavenger fish in this river, or they haven’t developed a taste for zombie flesh or skeleton bones. I mean, not that I can blame them for avoiding eating the undead for lunch, but on the other hand, free meat.

It wouldn’t have stopped the carp where I grew up.

Anyway, when I was done battling the undead hordes I spent the day landscaping around that lake to make it more obvious so I don’t dig into its side again.

Gardening: the perfect companion to zombie fighting.

Day 537: more sand and a lake

Day 537:

I thought it was a bit odd when I found some sand on the shore up higher than usual, but I thought perhaps sometime in the far past there’d been a tidal wave or something similar that deposited the sand higher up.

Nope, I was digging into the side of a small lake.

So I’m very wet and I have a lot more sand, and now I get to decide whether to make the underground lake a visibly overground lake instead.

Kind of leaning toward that as it’s easier to track than accidentally digging into the same lake over and over.

It’s the little things that make life easier, after all.

On the plus side, there’s one more place for me to run when being chased by a flaming zombie.

Day 536: New clothes, new ore

Day 536: Dressed in my new itchy ducken skin tunic, I spent the day trying to work around the edge of a cliff so that I could safely walk around it to get to some sand on the other side. But in clearing some of the cliffside, I found more ore.

So you know what I spent the rest of the day doing: mining.

Even when I’m at the surface looking for sand I end up hauling coal and granite back to my home. Which would be fantastic if someone was paying me for it, but really doesn’t do much except feed my ore addiction here.

Well, at least I got in a good workout.