Day 672:
Local idiot builds wooden road next to open lava pit, is shocked at the result.
Maybe i need to figure out how to make breathing masks.
Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 672:
Local idiot builds wooden road next to open lava pit, is shocked at the result.
Maybe i need to figure out how to make breathing masks.
Day 671:
I fell asleep with my dinner in my hand once already tonight so this is going to be short.
Lots of fording rivers to build bridges made of log over them. They’re much simpler bridges than I’ve built in the past but I’m not planning for them to be permanent, I’m just tired of swimming so much.
No horses today, couple of sheep. lots of exploding giraffe corgis. I shot them before they exploded. Need to make more arrows soon. I thought the supply I put in during the last rain day would last a long time but I didn’t plan for doing so much overland exploring then.
Tired. sleep now.
Day 670:
I’m up high in a hill that I didn’t know was so nearby, and I saw horses today! It’s the first time I’ve seen any since I first “arrived”, and to be honest I’m kind of relieved because so much of my first posts seem like a dream now.
For that matter, so does most of my old life, now.
Anyway, I’ve found even more sand and even more horses… and a lot of monsters trying to kill me from around the trees, which, well, monsters gotta monster, I guess.
I’ve gotten really good at cutting my logs to similar lengths and flatness so that they sit well and make solid roads. The fact that there are some pretty sizable flat areas is helpful. I’m tired of digging in the dirt though. A backhoe would be nice about now.
Day 669:
So far my mapping and road expedition has revealed that I have a lot more resources in my local area than I realized. The river that’s nearby is full of sand and clay that I can mine out for more glass and bricks. There’s another large forest to my east, toward the town that I swear I’m going to get to someday, but not close enough for me to drop in for a visit. And for some reason the oak-like trees drop apples if you cut enough of them down.
I was worried for a while that I was deforesting this planetesimal faster than its environment would be able to react to, but so far all I’m seeing are forests and more forests. At this rate it doesn’t seem like I can do much damage, though I do worry that my mining might be destabilizing the core.
And then I remember that I’m one human with a pick axe she made from hand, not an entire mining corp with laser mining tools, and I go back to chopping wood and carrying water.
Day 668:
After getting caught in the mud one too many times for my liking I’ve decided to build a road out of all these logs I’m cutting down to ensure that I’m harder to shoot. (Yes I know technically I’m harder to shoot with a tree in the way, but the tree makes it harder to see who’s shooting me and shoot back. This isn’t some ancient Robin Hood movie and I’m no tree climber.)
At least to start, I’m running the roads north/south (or what I think is north/south based on the position of the sun) and probably east/west as well, but at the edges of my maps so I can find my way around more comfortably. It’ll also help me keep track of where I’ve been and where I’m going.
The dark wood here seems to be very very solid and to be honest there’s not a lot of traffic anyway, so I think the wood will hold up until I need to go to something heavier like stone. I hope that’ll be a while. I mean, I have plenty of cobblestone, but wood is generally lighter to haul around.
This would, once again, be a nice time for one of those horses and maybe a wagon. My skill at wheels is still pretty horrible though.