Day 812: more murderers stopped by

Day 812:

I was working on smoothing out the western side of the mountains when another gang of murderers came out of the trees below me. They were a good distance away and I don’t think they saw me, but I’m pretty sure they spotted my easternmost outpost’s walls, since I didn’t do anything to disguise them.

I don’t know what those murderers want, other than to kill me.  They always approach with crossbows drawn and they start shooting before I can even try to have a vocal conversation.

This band left  and didn’t come back today, but I’m sure they will at some point.

View from up high of a wooded valley and a gently sloping mountain side coming out of it. Where the cliffs meet the trees a band of armed men can be seen gathering.

Day 811: even more water contained!

Day 811:

Back to the cliffs to the north where I keep finding ponds that flood down to the river. I’ve built enough up around the topmost (I hope) one that it’s no longer flooding.

I wonder what “professional flood re-landscapers” are actually called.

I’m sure from space this obvious reshaping of the land is, well, obvious, but at this point I’m less worried about anyone finding out I’m here and more worried about what happens if they don’t. I don’t want to die here alone.

View of a pond. A great stone mountain looms above.

Day 810: A view to the east

Day 810:

If I was smart I’d have spent the day today at home recovering from being pushed off a cliff by a horse.

Instead I went right back out there and worked on removing the cliff so it wasn’t a danger.

Got right back on the horse, one might say, except then I’d have to kick one off a cliff for such a bad joke.

Weather’s nice, the horse wasn’t anywhere around, and from up on the cliff I got a good view of the ground to the east of the mountains. I’m up so high that almost everything is perpetually covered in snow, though on the edges of the picture are a few places where the elevation’s dropped enough that the snow isn’t snow anymore.

A view from the top of a cliff down to the east, where all the trees are covered in snow. In the far distance, a stone arch before the swamp.

Day 809: Horse pushed me off a cliff

Day 809:

Remember the other day when I saw the beautiful (live) horse at the top of the cliff outlined by the moonlight?

Jerk pushed me off a cliff today.

I had no idea horses were territorial.

Now I’m determined to catch him and move him somewhere that isn’t related to push me off cliffs. Braiding has jumped in priority.

A large black horse on the stone cliff face right before it pushed me off.

Day 808: Waterfall contained

Day 808:

Remember that waterfall that soaked me? No the other one. The one to the south. Anyway, I’ve dug out around the spring and it’s settled into a nice pond that isn’t trying to drown me or knock me off my feet.

I thought I saw one of the skeleton horses creeping around too — going to try to catch it the next time I see it. I braided some rope a while ago but I don’t think it’s sturdy enough to catch undead animals so I’m thinking of braiding one out of leather this time.

I’ll be honest, I’m not particularly good at braiding. One doesn’t end up with long hair when one lives in space. I mean, I didn’t take pills to remove all my hair like some people did — seems like a good way to get chapped everything if you ask me — but maybe the practice braiding leather will help me figure out how to get my hair back under control too.

It’s been a long time without scissors.

An 8x8 square pond surrounded by dirt and high cliffs.