Stranger Things

Photo of the Stranger Things backglass as described in the post.

Stranger Things Pro (brought to you by Netflix!) Stern, 2019.

More boring branded art – main character telepath front and center. (Haven’t seen the show so it’s all a mystery to me.)

This one does have a fairly large video screen on it so at least it’s a bit interesting during play.

Star Trek (Pro, Stern, TOS reboot)

Photo of the Star Trek backglass as described in the post

Star Trek (Pro), Stern, 2013. Heavily branded from the newer Star Trek original series movies. It’s meant to look gritty and dark and I’m not a fan, but I’ll take it over some of the more boobalicious backglasses that come out over the years. Uhura on the left, Kirk in the middle, Spock on the right, and two people I can’t quite make out at the bottom, possibly the bad guy and McCoy.

(Every time we try to watch the movie something bad happens so I’ve stopped trying.)

Anyway, a typical Hollywood backglass which means it’s boring as shit.

Jurassic Park (Home Edition)

Photo of the Jurassic Park home edition backglass as described in the post

Jurassic Park Home Edition, 2019, Stern. On the left, behind a tree trunk, a tyrannosaurus rex menaces a jeep, center. On the right an extremely tall velociraptor menaces the jeep as well. Lush greenery lines the front lower edge and in the background we see the Jurassic Park gates.

The backbox also has a small LED screen and the word “when dinosaurs ruled the earth” with the Jurassic Park logo on the bottom edge below the speakers.

Iron Man

Photo of the Iron Man backglass and topper as described in the post

Iron Man, Stern, 2010. A minimalist period in backglasses, because the only thing here is a picture of Iron Man in front and Monger (the other iron man suit) behind him, almost but not quite back to back. Oh and a topper on the back box that looks like Iron Man’s power supply doohickey.