Day 784: A light in the darkness

Day 784:

Sometimes I dig through a wall and see a cavern or chasm… but it’s nothing but darkness. Or worse, darkness and monsters.

On the days when it’s darkness and monsters, honestly, it can be hard to decide to dig through another wall.

Sometimes I dig through a wall and see light.

Sometimes that’s because I’ve dug back out into the outside world, and that can be a bit disconcerting… but I’m deep enough in the ground under a forest that if I hit outside world right now it’ll prove this planetesimal is flat.

Since science has pretty much proven that flat planetesimals don’t spin well and tend to break up, well, that wouldn’t bode well for me.

Sometimes, though, I’m the source of the light. Or rather, past me is. I’ll look across the chasm and see one of my own torches and think, “well, I’ve lived this long, and I’ve been here before, so I’m likely to live through this again.”

It’s a small comfort, but a comfort anyway.

A mostly-black photo with a barely-visible opening on the other side of a cavern, where a torch lights the stone walls.