Day 785: Blew up my sidewalk

Day 785:

On one hand, getting jumped by an exploding giraffe-corgi as soon as I stepped out of the eastern plains entrance was horrible.

On the other hand, I found out exactly how blast-proof those brick road sidewalk things I set down are. Really blast proof! Only a tiny bit of my sidewalk took damage, as compared to the hill that the eastern plains entrance is set in, which it took me most of the day to reshape.

(Fortunately(?) I have a big trunk of dirt just inside the door, but that was supposed to be for gardening…)

On the other other hand, those bricks took hours and hours of diving for clay, shaping, baking, and mortaring together to lay so I’m pretty angry that they’ve been blown to bits, even a little. (What did get blown up got blown up as in reduced to vapor so it reinforced why we do not hug the exploding animals.)

Outside of maybe my diamond armor, the bricks are the most labor-intensive thing I make I think.

OK wait, no, the chicken skin mattresses full of feathers are pretty bad too.

And the map books.

Nevermind, I’m mad they blew up any of my work.

Now I have to see if I have more bricks back at my main base. Sigh.

The eastern entrance and a crater that took out a block of brick.