Day 722: squids!

Day 722:

Today, a bunch of the actual squids, the kind with ink sacks and the whole bit, spent the whole time that I was “mining” sand out of the river. Absolute total pain in the dorsal arms if you ask me. I ended up killing two of them just to drive them away.

They’ve never acted like that before, but it was that kind of day.

If the squids in the water acting aggressively was a surprise, then the super-tall jet-black land squid that vwooped into the room where I was mining, and promptly ignored me no matter what I did (including swing my sword at it a couple of times) was a total surprise.

Those squid thingies are generally incredibly paranoid and incredibly deadly. Literally giving them a sideways look has gotten me drawn into a heck of a fight in the past. But this time? Nothing.

Maybe it’s backwards day or something.