Day 786: Making progress against the mountain

Day 786:

I was able to finish my sidewalk repair yesterday, and today I spent more time chipping away at the big mountain that’s trying to kill me.

OK to be fair the mountain is not actively trying to kill me. It’s just passively being landscape that I can’t climb or run over, which provides all kinds of monsters and murderers (the murderers have been in the neighborhood again) the ability to pin me into a dangerous position and try to kill me.

The fact that they haven’t succeeded yet doesn’t mean that I want them to.

So I’m slowly mining it into a gentle slope.

It’s so huge that I predict it’ll still collect snow when I’ve cut it down to size, but even if it doesn’t, my safety is more important than the mountain.

And, as I’ve mentioned before, I think I’ve seen every kind of creature that lives here now… and they don’t seem to have habitats outside of “fish like water, sheep like grass, skeletons like trees”.  My “refreshing” the mountain isn’t going to impact the local ecology.

But dang it takes a long time to cut down a mountain. I feel like I’ve been at it for weeks and it’s still there. With a tree at its peak and everything!

You can’t even see the progress I’ve made, really.

A view from a nearby hill of the mountain I'm carving down and the river. The mountain has a dent in it like I've sliced off a side with a butter knife.