Day 799: speaking of springs

Day 799:

Remember yesterday when I said I didn’t like digging into the side of a mountain and finding a spring because I don’t particularly love being soaked in water?

Yeah, about that.

Up by the northern river thing, I dug into the side of a cliff and a pond broke out. An underground pond that I obviously didn’t know was there, but whose water table was definitely higher than the river’s.

So now there’s a seemingly-unlimited waterfall of pond water pouring down my beautifully manicured hill into the river.

And that means I’ll be doing a lot of sandbagging and patching and wading through water the next few days.

I wish I could find a wetsuit tree growing wetsuits out here somewhere so I could keep warm in the water.

At the top of a gently sloping hill. Water is pouring out of the cliffside to the right in a huge torrent, toward the river to the left.