Day 800: My Mountain Exit

Day 800:

Remember ages ago when I climbed all the way out into the mountains to see what I could find, and I spotted a village?

And remember how I was like “Oh I will dig that way until I hit the village?” and then I missed by a huge amount to the south, but I still dug a long distance both east and up, so I kept the entrance and planned this mess I’m in now to tame the mountains?

Well, I can honestly say I’ve tamed them to the point that I’ve found my mountain entrance, buried in the hill.

It even still has the granite “x” I placed on top so that I could spot it from the mountaintop. (That failed, by the way, because trees.)

I’m both proud of myself and somewhat disappointed. I’m proud because months ago this felt like it was so so far away from home and I finally made it. I’m disappointed because, well, it doesn’t seem like it was really all that far away anymore.

It’s well-known that even miners have trouble judging lengths and distances from underground because of the totally different types of landmarks. Can’t measure your distance by either the trees or the horizon in a place that has no trees and no horizon. But now that I have both, I sometimes wonder whether this was the big deal I thought it was.

Then again, it could be like gaining strength. When 5 kilos is heavy, it seems amazing that you can pick it up. But then you get used to 5 kilos and 10 kilos seems heavy… etc. etc. until eventually you wonder at the fact that 5 kilos was ever a problem.

Anyway, reaching this location, whether underground or overground, is no longer a problem. I should put down the rest of the brick path though.

A flat roofed building with a granite top peeks out of a mountainside. It is almost totally buried, and surrounded by trees.