Militant decency

Hoo. Been a bit since I dusted this one off.

We’re not done the pinball machine backglass, I just haven’t had time to work on anything in…. checks notes…. a year. Or rather, I’ve had the same amount of time as everyone else, [you get a lifetime] but I’ve been dedicating it to lots of job and medical stuff.

Anyway. Today we’re here to talk about militant decency.

(If you’re following me on bluesky, this is going to sound familiar.)

Tweet by serialephemera: Thematically speaking, the most important thing Terry Pratchett taught me was the concept of militant decency. The idea that you can look at the world and its flaws and its injustices and its cruelties and get deeply, intensely angry, and that you can turn that into energy for doing the right thing and making the world a better place. He taught me that the anger itself is not the part I should be fighting. Nobody in my life ever said that before.
The inspiration for the concept.

Resources to get us started

Things we can do when we’re mad:

  • – Message our congresscritters (or in some cases our lower level politicians) and say that enough is enough.
  • Donate to a charity that is working against the things we’re mad about. I’ll write later about the year of Everybody Gets $10.
  • Do something in your neighborhood that helps everyone.
  • Blog. Not social media. Blog. In your own space if you can. If you need help setting up a blog, contact me over on my business site.
  • Use to get scripts for issues that have you concerned and call about them. OR: combine them with resistbot and you don’t even have to talk to anyone

Reading to get us started

Tomorrow, or sometime soon anyway, more.  We have things to do.

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