Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 84:
What’s tall, green, skinny, has four tiny feet, and explodes you and your fence while you’re trying to chase off skeletons?
I never should’ve gone outside today. That’s what I get for trying to keep the skeletons out of my cows.
All cows still accounted for. Some duckens missing, but hey, now I have some seed to feed them (since the giraffe corgi blew up some nice wild wheat in the process) so that will be fixed shortly.
Wow. I am lousy at drawing people when there are none to look at but me.
Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 83:
I’m serious about the duckens down in the tunnels. I know it probably seems like I jump around a lot in these logs, but it’s hard to do one thing day in and day out when you’re in charge of everything. I can’t just grow food – even at the rate the food here grows there isn’t enough to keep me busy every day. Besides, if I did, things like gathering wood to keep the fires burning or making tools wouldn’t happen. And I can’t make tools every day or I wouldn’t have food. And between all those things, I need to dig.
Well, technically I don’t need to dig. I’ve been here almost 3 months now and The Company isn’t back yet — and when they do come back (I refuse to think they won’t), then I’m going to give them such an earful they’ll be paying me not to dig.
But I love to dig. It’s stress-relieving and I’m good at it, and it’s like playing a constant adventure game.
Anyway, I’ve gathered about 50 eggs (I’m pretty sure they’re fertilized because these duckens breed like proverbial bunnies) and I’m gathering more.
Meanwhile, after I gathered all today’s eggs, I went out to the trees to harvest some wood. Halfway up a large dark oak tree I hear a noise below me and — yup — giraffe-corgi explosion. Ever fall down with a tree? I don’t recommend it. I think I dislocated (and then reset) my elbow and HOLY COD does that hurt.
Taking tomorrow off. If all else fails I’ll have eggs for dinner.
Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 82:
That big vein I found yesterday? It was the roof of a much bigger cavern… and that cavern had both water flowing through it and active magma seeping through one of the walls.
Actual. Lava.
Clearly I do not have the equipment to deal with that.
It is damned hot down there. No humidity to be found. Stinks to high heaven and I’m lucky the fumes haven’t killed me.
So yeah, when I said the other day I should probably be taking a ducken down with me? Now I’m thinking more like fifty duckens. Enough to immediately tell if I’ve found a bad pocket of air.
Oh, and because I know you were wondering: yes, there are zombies in the coddamned cave full of magma.
It’s so bright it makes my well-lit cavern pitch black
Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 81:
Hot day today so I went back underground, where I’m happy.
Found yet another vein of granite and diorite, this time a bit off the last one. They’re getting deeper, which means the temperature is actually starting to climb a bit. Still damp as anything though.
I’ve thought about starting fires underground to dry things out a bit, but one never knows when one might accidentally set a coal seam on fire, and that’s no good.
I’ve also thought about bringing one of the duckens down here on purpose to act as canaries. Make sure the air’s good. That kind of thing. That might be easier than the fires.
This is supposed to be the sun beating down on me.
Sometimes you need a project that’s just for, y’know, goofing around. This is the ongoing saga of my Minecraft character. For lack of a better title, we’re going with “One Among the Dead”.
Day 80:
Those canes I planted? Like everything else here, they throw like gangbusters. After just a couple of days I was able to cut them at about knee-high and harvest the two meters of cane above that.
The very outside of the cane is thick and hard. I might find a use for it. Fortunately (much like the wood) it splits easily, so I’m able to cut it in half without too much trouble.
The inside is pulpy and sweet-smelling.
I’m going to try chopping the pulpy bits really fine, then spreading them on a stone with a ridge around the edge to collect the juice. If the juice is sugary, it should crystallize for me once its squeezed out of the pulp. And if the pulp is chopped fine enough and mixed up well enough I might be able to make paper out of it.
I certainly have enough stone to set on top to press the liquid out, that’s for sure.