Two weeks ago I was off — between jobs, so it was the most relaxing kind of vacation for a tech worker because nobody could ping me on Slack about anything work related.
(Yes, yes, I know, I should shut off notifications on work chat boards but it’s not as easy as it sounds.)
I used the time to take pictures of the dogs in their Christmas finest and then make a card over on Shutterfly. I also ordered my brother a Christmas present.
At the end of my time off, a package from Shutterfly arrived and, assuming it was my gift for my brother, I put it away somewhere safe. And I thought, wow, Christmas cards really are running late this year as the days ticked over.
Yesterday my brother’s Christmas present arrived.
Which means somewhere in this house I have safely stored 200 pre-addressed customized Christmas cards. They’re so safely stored I have no idea where I put them. I tore parts of the house apart yesterday looking and, well, no luck.
So, working off the assumption that the cards will surface sometime around February, please enjoy these pictures of the terror trio and accept our warm wishes for the holidays.