Day 678: Deep holes in the water

Day 678:

I do really wish I had a physicist with me.

Today, while mining aforementioned river for sand–

I should name the river. I’d name it “Sand River” but by the time I’m done with it, there won’t be any sand. I’d name it Zombie River but who wants to be reminded of that? I’d name it after me but that just feels creepy when you live next to things you’re named after. For now it’s the East-West River as it’s the only thing running that direction.

–while mining the East-West River, I discovered a massive hole at the bottom. I mean a chasm. I mean from the surface of the river I can see a giant waterfall going down a significant distance. The kind of thing you definitely don’t want to get sucked into.  The kind of thing that would make the Company Surveyor call the mission off for the day while he rewrote all the plans and tried to come up with new and ingenious ways to not get us all killed.

Me, I tied a rope to a tree and then around my waist and hoped it was enough to keep me from getting sucked in.

One nice part about giant chasms surrounded by sand is that you know the sand is being supported by something solid, because otherwise it would’ve been sucked into the chasm. That’s true of giant chasms on land or water, by the way.

But the part that’s breaking my already-damaged brain is how the whole frogging river isn’t getting sucked in. That hole’s big enough to take a shuttle into. The river’s barely wider than it is. How is any water getting across?

Like said, need physicist. And possibly stronger rope.