Day 679: psychic duckens and thunder

Day 679

The two topics in the title of today’s diary entry aren’t really related. At least, not that I can tell.

The first is an interesting phenomenon I noticed a while ago but I’m not sure if I mentioned… the duckens are psychic. Or at least they’re extremely observant on a plane of reality I can’t grasp.

If I’m in my library with a pocket full of seeds and no duckens in the room, and I move into the map room, none of the duckens in the map room approach me until they see me pull the seeds out of my pocket.

But if I pull the seeds out of my pocket in the library, in the inner sanctum where they definitely can’t see or hear me, and then I walk into the map room, they’re all crammed against the door like they knew I had the seeds the whole time.


Part of why I observed this today is because I was out working on mining, as you do, when a thunderstorm struck. If I’d have been deep in a mine I would have been fine, but I was harvesting sand from the bottom of a river. And the last place you want to be in a thunderstorm is wearing steel armor at the bottom of a river while swinging a metal shovel around. So I’m home drinking some hot water and apple peel “tea” and taking it easy for the rest of the day.