
Photo of the Viking backglass as described in the post

Viking, Bally, 1979. Beefcake. We’re in a Viking longhouse and two are battling.

The one closest to us has thrust his fur-covered hip toward us. The fur is… shorts? Plus fur boots to the top of the calf, a wide belt, and heavens know what the top is because it’s blocked by his incredibly muscular arms. Oh, and a horned helmet which we all know is not historic.

The other fighter is in calf-high boots, chain mail boy shorts, and a chain mail wife beater that looks ridiculous because his pecs are so large the straps are covering his nipples and the shirt is covering not much more than his midriff.

If I were the fighter closer to the camera, I’d whack the other guy in the pec or the shoulder so that he can’t use his sword arm anymore.

An overly breasted blonde woman stands behind the fighters looking distressed, probably because there’s no way that bodice is supporting that rack or they wouldn’t be so round (I speak from experience).

The rest of the crowd sitting at the tables looking on are fur-covered Vikings that are more likely to be comfortable in their outfits.